Various time we come across situation where in lower environment the collation will be different and in production environment the collation will be different. This might hamper you work in many ways. Your development work may come to halt or slowdown making these changes.
So here is a small script to change collation of various columns for all table. If you want for some columns and some table the select statement in cursor needs to tweaked.
So here is a small script to change collation of various columns for all table. If you want for some columns and some table the select statement in cursor needs to tweaked.
Declare @TableName varchar(300), @ColumnName varchar(300), @SQLText varchar(max), @CharacterMaxLen varchar(max), @CollationName varchar(max), @IsNullable varchar(max), @DataType varchar(max) SET @CollationName = 'RequiredCollation' Declare MyTableCursor cursor for SELECT name FROM sys.tables WHERE [type] = 'U' and name <> 'sysdiagrams' ORDER BY name OPEN MyTableCursor FETCH NEXT FROM MyTableCursor INTO @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE MyColumnCursor Cursor FOR SELECT COLUMN_NAME,DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, IS_NULLABLE from information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = @TableName AND (Data_Type LIKE '%char%' OR Data_Type LIKE '%text%') AND COLLATION_NAME <> @CollationName ORDER BY ordinal_position Open MyColumnCursor FETCH NEXT FROM MyColumnCursor INTO @ColumnName, @DataType, @CharacterMaxLen, @IsNullable WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @SQLText = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @TableName + ' ALTER COLUMN [' + @ColumnName + '] ' + @DataType + '(' + CASE WHEN @CharacterMaxLen = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE @CharacterMaxLen END + ') COLLATE ' + @CollationName + ' ' + CASE WHEN @IsNullable = 'NO' THEN 'NOT NULL' ELSE 'NULL' END PRINT @SQLText FETCH NEXT FROM MyColumnCursor INTO @ColumnName, @DataType, @CharacterMaxLen, @IsNullable END CLOSE MyColumnCursor DEALLOCATE MyColumnCursor --Print @SQLText FETCH NEXT FROM MyTableCursor INTO @TableName END CLOSE MyTableCursor DEALLOCATE MyTableCursor
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